by Sarjoun Hassan, Global Launcher
On my first day at Kitopi, I squeezed myself onto the last desk available at the one and only Dubai HQ and bickered with teammates over a few charging plugs. Two years later, I call 5 major GCC cities: HOME.
Our growth and aspirations are unparalleled. We are a family of empowered and talented individuals operating in a dynamic organization led by exquisite leaders in every single aspect.

As a launcher, my main duties are to take Kitopi live and operational in new territories in the fastest and cheapest ways possible, to support local teams and coordinate global resources at launch. The dedication to this position has definitely come at a cost, living out of a suitcase, driving small rentals and barely having time for friends and family. But, knowing that I am entrusted with this responsibility, acting on decisions, while keeping Kitopi’s best interest in mind, makes the entire journey worth it.
When it comes to choosing our next city, it is completely data-driven and based on their market size, demand for kitchens as well as ease of market entry. I personally believe that the best thing about being a market launcher is the wide scope of work it covers such as strategic and project planning, legalities, operations, finance and budgeting. Given my entrepreneurial tendencies, I find joy and peace in dealing with a vast range of learning’s and overcoming new challenges.